Terms & Conditions

Fundraising guidelines

By registering as a Community Fundraiser for Beyond Blue you:

  • understand that all fundraising activities must align with Beyond Blue's values and Beyond Blue reserves the right to reject any fundraising activity/event or donation that are deemed by Beyond Blue to be inconsistent with its business objectives and values.

  • confirm that, by registering to fundraise, you are acting on behalf of, and with the authority and power to bind, those individuals and organisations named as the Community Fundraiser.

  • confirm that any monies raised or donated during the fundraising activity will be used for the stated purpose for which they were raised and within any specified timeframe.

  • agree to notify Beyond Blue of any prior or current criminal convictions prior to commencing the fundraising activity/event, understanding this may not necessarily stop you from being able to support Beyond Blue (depending on the nature of offence), but will be taken into account in agreeing to your suitability as an organiser.

Legislative obligations
  • confirm that your proposed fundraising activity/event complies with all relevant legislative and local government requirements and that all appropriate permits, licenses and insurance for fundraising in the state and/or territory where the activity is to be held will be, or have been, obtained.

  • agree to notify Beyond Blue of any changes to your fundraising activity/event in advance and to only fundraise for the period of time authorised.

  • will not exploit your position as a Community Fundraiser and/or the association with Beyond Blue for personal gain or perceived endorsement.

  • agree to seek permission to use Beyond Blue’s brand to promote your business, products or services. Business supporters may choose to implement approved percentage of sales campaigns for a specified period, providing transparency around the campaign details However, the Beyond Blue logo cannot be used on any products or items for sale.

Privacy and Personal information
  • agree that all personal and sensitive information associated with the proposed fundraising activity will be handled in accordance with all relevant state and commonwealth government privacy legislation.

  • give consent for photographs or other information you provide from the event to be published online or in publications by Beyond Blue.

  • give consent to Beyond Blue to use your personal information to communicate with you in relation to the fundraising activity and work of Beyond Blue. 

  • give consent to Beyond Blue using and disclosing your personal information to Beyond Blue's agencies and other third parties engaged to provide services in connection with fundraising activities and the purposes set out in the Privacy Policy of Beyond Blue which is available at https://www.beyondblue.org.au/general/privacy-policy.

  • confirm that any fundraising activity costs shall at all times be held to a percentage of revenue which is generally acceptable within the not-for-profit sector and by the public. In general, expenses are not to exceed 40 per cent of the gross proceeds.

  • will ensure that financial and activity reports are made available to those who engage with the fundraising activity (and general public if queried), including the amounts raised, how the money was spent, and the net proportion donated to Beyond Blue.

Sub-contracting/engaging third parties
  • agree to seek permission from Beyond Blue if planning to subcontract components of your fundraising activity/event to third parties (e.g. auction service providers, online platforms, event managers).

  • agree to ensure that subcontractor costs, deliverables and responsibilities are understood by them and do not compromise the acceptable percentage of revenue donated to Beyond Blue. In the specific case of your fundraising activity, you understand that Beyond Blue will not engage with nor take any responsibility with the subcontractor.

  • agree to seek permission to use the Beyond Blue name and/or ‘Proudly supporting’ logo on materials related to the fundraising activity, and email all logo file requests, logo design mock-ups, written content describing Beyond Blue or mental health conditions, and media releases for approval to fundraising@beyondblue.org.au

  • understand that while you are not authorised to speak on behalf of Beyond Blue, you may speak about your fundraising activity itself. If you have been motivated to fundraise due to another person’s experience of depression, anxiety or suicide and wish to share a story in which that person will be easily identifiable, you agree to seek permission from the individual or next of kin first. Some people may not want their experience made public. It is important to consider the impact and respect the wishes of others affected by the same story as you.

  • agree not to align Beyond Blue with areas or activities such as pharmaceutical, insurance, gambling, alcohol or tobacco organisations, X-rated or violent content, or proceeds of crime. You also accept that Beyond Blue has the right to reject any fundraising activity or donation based on non-alignment.

  • understand that Beyond Blue is not able to promote your fundraising activity/event, nor attend events or presentations. If the fundraising activity/event includes specific involvement with Beyond Blue, you will ensure these requirements are discussed and agreed upon in writing by the Fundraising team prior to commencing the fundraising activity.
    agree not to engage in telemarketing or door-to-door fundraising.

  • understand that Beyond Blue reserves the right to withdraw your authority to organise a fundraising activity/event at any time if it appears to Beyond Blue that the fundraising activity/event may negatively affect the image or reputation of Beyond Blue, or if Beyond Blue believes there is a likelihood of you not meeting any of these Terms and Conditions.

National, state and territory laws

All fundraising activities must comply with all relevant national, state and territory laws and regulations. In each state and territory, there is a Charitable Fundraising Act or equivalent to which Beyond Blue and people fundraising on behalf of Beyond Blue must adhere to. You also need to be aware of regulations relating to liquor licensing, preparation of food and holding raffles or auctions.

To find out more about fundraising legislation in your state or territory, please contact the relevant authority listed below:

Australian Capital Territory

ACT Office of Regulatory Services


New South Wales

NSW Fair Trading


Northern Territory

Office of Consumer and Business Services



Office of Fair Trading


South Australia

Office of Consumer and Business Services



Consumer, Building and Occupational Services



Consumer Affairs Victoria


Western Australia

Department of Commerce


Third party permits

You may be required to obtain permits for your event or fundraising activities. Check with your relevant authority (as per legislative authorities listed above) and your local council to ensure that you have all permits needed to serve food, alcohol, hold an event in public, and conduct all fundraising activities for your event.


You may be required to obtain public liability insurance for your fundraising event or activity. Unfortunately, Beyond Blue cannot provide insurance, so this will be your responsibility. Tip: Depending on what type of coverage they have, your local venue may be able to put you under their public liability insurance policy.

Beyond Blue accepts no responsibility for any loss, liability or injury, occupational, health, safety and welfare claims arising from your fundraising activity/event. It is your responsibility as the registered Community Fundraiser to ensure the safety of yourself and any attendees at your fundraising activity, including providing first aid services if they are needed.

Money matters

As a valued Community Fundraiser and activity/event organiser, you are responsible for all financial aspects of the activity or event, including record-keeping, management of funds and ensuring that all funds raised online and offline are received by Beyond Blue.

Your basic obligations are to ensure that:

  • you keep and, upon request, provide Beyond Blue with accurate financial records of your fundraising event or activity;

  • all funds raised online and offline are received by Beyond Blue within 28 days of completion of fundraising; and

  • expenses incurred for the fundraising event or activity do not exceed more than 40 per cent of the total funds raised.

Please note that Beyond Blue will not be liable to pay or reimburse any expenses incurred by you for the purposes of your fundraising activity/event.

Tax-deductible donations

All donations made directly to Beyond Blue over $2 are eligible for a tax-deductible receipt. Please note that the following cannot be issued with a tax-deductible receipt:

  • Purchase of ticket to attend a Beyond Blue fundraiser.

  • Purchase of a good or service related to a Beyond Blue fundraiser.

  • Purchase of raffle tickets.

  • Purchase of an auction item.

  • Goods or services donated for a fundraising event or activity.

  • Monies raised and/or donated on behalf of others.

Everyone who donates to your registered Beyond Blue online fundraising page is automatically issued with a tax-deductible receipt.